Fixed a lighting issue on bodies of water that would cause color to briefly change when exiting caves.Increased critical health in hard/expert difficulty modes.Fixed melee damage resistance skill also affecting ranged damage.New Option in the Interface Menu – Hide the bow reticle unless you are aiming or holding the bow ready.New Option in Gameplay Menu – Hunter Vision Duration – Can toggle the duration of Hunter Vision (Default/20s/30s/Infinite).Fixed some specific, low occurrence crashes.Fixed an issue where player could lose their inventory when swapping weapons in specific conditions.Second Chance – You only respawn if you completed enough of the game since your last death (every 3% as depicted in the player’s overall progress).Three Options Available – Off, On, Second Chance Failing during Tensay’s Vision missions does not count as dying (You’re dreaming after all).Available in New Gameplay Options when starting a New Game with Survivor Mode turned On.6) they are Mass Effect Legendary Edition, BioMutant, and Divine Knockout. PlayStation Plus Essential subscribers - formerly PlayStation Plus - still get free games, but must claim them within the month they are offered. PlayStation Plus Extra subscribers get access to 400 PS4 and PS5 games PS Plus Premium adds another 300 games, which include titles for PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable. PlayStation Plus Extra costs $14.99 per month Premium costs $17.99 a month. The new format of PlayStation Plus launched in June, hoping to entice existing PlayStation Plus subscribers to upgrade to Extra or Premium service tiers, which absorbed most of the old PlayStation Now subscription library for streaming and download. Those at the Premium level subscription, the top tier in the PlayStation Plus membership that Sony rebooted back in June, can pick up four additional games: the PlayStation Portable titles Ridge Racer 2 and Pinball Heroes, the PlayStation 3’s Heavenly Sword, and Oddworld : Abe’s Exxodus for the original PlayStation. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire - Ultimate Edition (PS4)įurther, WWE 2K22 (PS4) will follow on Jan.Adventure Time : Pirates of the Enchiridion (PS4).

Other games available to PlayStation Plus Extra subscribers on Dec. Far Cry Primal was 2016’s Game of the Mesolithic Era